Who are my influences?
Merce Cunningham
I particularly enjoy Cunningham technique as I find it interesting how the manipulation of the body/curving of the spine to create shapes and movement in and through the space. The process of having to connect the mind with particular body parts within movement, is an intruiging aspect of Cunningham technique, and I do feel that I am able to exlpore my body as a dancer, in a unique, complex way.
Parris Goebel
Parris Goebel is another influence of mine as se incorporates several aspects of a confident dancer within her choreography. Goebel does believe in strength and nerve as being two vital attitudes in a successful dancer and this did prove to be very inpirin to me, which has reflected through my work.
Another reason as to why she is one of my influences, is because she has developed her own style known as Pollyswagg. This is a commom style amongst Hip Hop and has a relation to the 'attitudes' of a dancer. She focuses on hearing, breathing and living the music, being passionate while you dance and also transmitting your feelings for audiences of all ages and types.