Friday 29th April 2016
During this rehearsal session with Jasmine and Lucy, students were set roles for the production team. I was given the role to take lead on the props needed for our piece. The intial task was to make a list, and source the props.
List of props needed for our piece:
Letters to home
The suitcases were first sourced in our theatre wardrobe. As I held the position of finding the necessary props, I was to converse with the lighting technician (Julian Shapter) to find appaorpriate suitcases for all the dancers in the company. The suitcases were to follow the theme of the piece, so they were to look less modernised and followed a colour scheme of browns and dark greens.
In addition to this, some of the students were to produce letters to home to incoporate within their letter solos. Lucy had instructed students to write letters to a loved one, and to add decoration for example, using a teabag to stain it and to burn the edges to add an archaic effect. This was to be done by Monday 2nd May, to rehearse properly with the props in space.
Suitcases were kept safe in the staff office, and during show week they were then moved to backstage in the theatre where they stayed for easy access during rehearsals and the performance. Letters were also kept in college, or students did have the option to keep them, which did make them responsible for bringing them in for every rehearsal session.