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Development Process- United We Stand, Divided We Fall


Thursday 14th April 2016

During this hour all students came together in a company meeting to discuss our final major project. This took place with our directors, Lucy Palmer and Jasmine Andrews. We all read through our assignment brief, discussing what work was to be completed throughout the duration of the process of our final project. As well as this, we discussed who we were to be working alongside with this piece, our timetabled days of rehearsals, the context and theme of our work and how we look to achieve portraying this through our movement. The idea, is that all students would have their own chosen character to be as they dance, whether this be Hitler or Winston Churchill for example. 



One strength that I feel that was shown this session was having a good understanding of the theme and concept our Final Major Project and how I was to achieve the best possible grade both theoretically and practically.



I did find it a challenge to consider a potential character that I would have like to be. This did take some time to research, which did result in a slower research process.



Some targets that I could consider for next time is to be more active in research tasks, and to be more confident in being distinctive in voicing my ideas.


Friday 15th April 2016

During the first hour of rehearsals, students worked with Lucy Palmer, to begin creating a phrase for the third section of our piece. The movement within this phrase was to portray soldiers, moving together in a group, in a synchronised manner. This was incorporated in our movement, when both moving through the space, and dancing in one area, both with and without one another. The idea behind the choreography was very much linked to the theme of the piece- United we stand, Divided we fall, whereby as soldiers we are to fight together, and dance together in order to keep a 'functioning' team.


In the next three hour session with Jasmine we made a start on the first section of the piece, whereby we were to remake a scene of various 'characters' making their way to war. In addition to this, we did create choreography with suitcases, and had made it appear to be that the suitcase was a stimulus to our movement, and that we had a type of relationship with our suitcase. We had also incorporated Lucy's phrase, which was used as a motif in this section choreographed with Jasmine.


Strengths: This session, I did pick up choreography fairly quickly, and the process was fairly straightforward for me, which did result in a productive rehearsal for myself.


Weaknesess: Whilst working with the suitcase as a prop, I found it a challenge to adjust to the weight of it, and dancing with it in the space.


Targets: One target to set myself, is to ensure regular practice so I gain confidence in multi-tasking with dance and props.



Monday 18th April 2016

During this two hour session we worked with Lucy to create more choreography adding on to the phrase we had started to create last week for the third section. This section of movement within this section of the phrase consisted of more floor work and softer movement. The musicality aspect did come into play with this phrase in particular, as the material we danced to, were to be on the counts, beats and sounds of the music. 


Strengths: Floor work is an aspect of movement I enjoy to perform, so I did feel that I picked up choreography fairly quickly. I also enjoy studying musical elements whilst performing, and again I did comprehend this quickly.


Weaknesess: I struggled with one section in the music, whereby I found it a challenge to understand the counts of the music, and the connection with the movement.  I did become less motivated, as this did keep recurring throughout the runs of the piece.


Targets: If such situations should occur in the future, I will ask for help from both peers and teachers to improve my understanding on tasks given and choreography set.


Thursday 21st April 2016

During this session we had a recap of the choreography that we produced with Lucy. This rehearsal hour was quite short, which did result in very little time to practise the choreography. 


Strengths: I remained focused and present, despite this rehearsal being quite short. I coninued to practice as much as possible to ensure a good understanding of all the material we had learnt at this stage.


Friday 22nd April 2016

This session with Jasmine, we had been introduced to two new phrases. The first was a short centre phrase, which was created to the same piece of music for our suitcase phrase. The movement consisted of a combination regimented and fluid movement, again showing a representation of occasional lapses of reflection in one's past life.


Students had learnt the line phrase, in formations. This was eventually to be in canon, however Jasmine did want us to familiarise ourselves with the material first before adding texture, as it could be quite complex.


Once everyone was comfortable with the phrase, dancers were given their number to start the canon, going down the line. We rehearsed this a few times, and students did pick up the choreography quickly. This then allowed more rehearsal time to recap other choreography from various other sections. 


Strengths: I did enjoy this section of the music, as well as the choreography, and I did pick up choreography quite rapidly. I understood the timing, cues and count during the canon, as well as the feedback I had received.


Weaknessess: I did find the act of repeating the phrase quite tedious, which means I did not dance to my full ability.


Targets: To keep a positive, focused attitude, despite that sometimes rehearsing material several times can be tedious.


Thursday 28th April 2016

During this rehersal slot,  Lucy Palmer's phrase (section three) was completed. The last few counts at the end were added to the end of the phrase, which was also a transition to the next section.


Thereafter, students were given a picture to use as a stimulus to create movement. I was put in a quartet, and we discussed potential ideas to create a continuous moving piece of material. Still in connection to the picture, which was an image of civillians residing in an undergorung platform of a staion. The word given was ,overcrowded', so we did bear this in mind also when creating new work.   


Strengths: Teamwork was evident throughtout this session, and there were several ideas and and input from everyone in the group. We created distinctive movement to include throughout the project and kept a high standard of performance quality consistent.


Weaknessess: I did find it challenging to work with the given stimulus our group received. It was hard to reflect a sense of being 'overcrowded' in a piece of dance.


Targets: Perhaps research in more depth to encourage progression in developing moveemnt from a given stimulus, for example, watching video clips, reading books and surfing the internet.


Friday 29th April 2016

Students had tried some costume items for piece. This included khaki green army shirts of various sizes, as well as army trousers, also green. Some items of clothing were more comfortable to dance in than others, however, we did use this time to experience the feel and comfort of performing in them. 


Production roles were discussed amongst the company in the morning, and all members were assigned to each role for example, lighting director or props/set manger.


Both Lucy and Jazz did choose not create any more choreography, but instead encouraged students to recap the third section of dance and our section with Jazz. During this time, we were able to clean and alter some choreography, considering our characters and how we can explore portraying them through our material.


Strengths: I centralised my progression in reagards to my character and how I could use my research to develop a unique phrase. I was also able to prioritise the time in my self-study session, which enabled me to create a substantial amount of work. 


Weaknessess: When producing notes about my production role (Props manager), I did find this hard to discuss, as the only props used were the suitcases and the letters to a loved one. This did result in a slow process of writing this information in my blog. 


Targets: I must ask for help if I struggle with any aspects of the written work or practical. 


Over the duration of the two weeks of being introduced to our Final Major Porject, I have been proactve in the approach to my work, both theoretical and practical. I have ensured that consistency in recording my practical work was evident and detailed, and having a strong pathway as to how I could bring life to my chosen character through dance, and keeping this in relation to the theme of the piece.


Below I have attached some videos of rehearsal footage over the past few weeks.


This was the first phrase that students had learnt. There was an input of creative ideas and choreography from both students, and our lecturer Lucy Palmer. The movement in this section very much mimics the movement of soldiers during war and how being a group or team, has an impact to the performance of the group. Lucy had wanted us to portray the idea of dancing together in a group, as keeping the team strong and functional. There is a moment in the phrase when everyone is dancing together, and one student (Tilly Geddes) disperses from the group to perform as a solo. This then is a transition for the others to join her in a different space to become whole again. This very much follows the theme of the piece, 'United we stand, Divided we fall.'


This video is a rehearsed and cleaned version, which does mean that some movement was altered prior to recording.

Lucy Palmer's phrase continued...


This was the second half of the the first phrase we had choreogrphed with Lucy Palmer. As this phrase progressed, it was clear to the audience that fighting during war was progessivel becoming more of a struggle to cope with on a daily basis. Survival was its peak, however the idea of performing as one, solid group was to remain amongst us to achieve the goal of succeeding in a dysfunctional, life changing period of time. The movement in this half was very similar to the first, however we did study cues and musicality in more depth, and how we could use a specific word, sound or instrument in the piece of music to initiate movement amongst us, particularly when transitioning into various formations in and across the space. Additional to this, we spent some time analysing the dynamics of the moves, for example, how one could show fatigue or struggle when performing, then thinking of a solution. This could vary, whether it be speeding up or slowing down, or emphasizing a dance move, or perhaps dancing in a confined manner.


This video is a rehearsed and cleaned version, which does mean that some movement was altered prior to recording.

During the first three hour session with Jasmine, we sourced the props (suitcases) for the suitcase phrase, which is the first section of our Final Major Project piece. Our choroegrapher (Jasmine Andrews) explained that she wanted to use the suitcases as a stimulus to the movement, and the suitcase was to have a sense of importance to the feelings and emotions depicted in this section. As we begin the journey to fight in the war, common emotions evident are sadness, anxiety and bravery. This reflects through our movement with the placement of our bodies e.g closed body lanuage in comparison to open, and focus/eyeline and how we project, whether this is deliberate for the audience or not.

During our three hour session, in week two with Jasmine, students were taught two new pieces of material, one being a centre phrase and the other, a line phrase.  


The centre phrase consisted of a combination of free flowing and rigid movement. The contrast in movement did add different textures and dynamics. This did mean that at moments in the phrase, the audience were able to see the dfferent personalities of each 'soldier' (student). Jasmine did give students feedback in regards to this, and expained that the more fluid movement was to reflect each student's chosen character when looking back on life perhaps, before fighting in the war, which would likely be happier memories. Whereas the more rigid and solid movement is reinacting the courage to continuously fight through a tiresome process, and this may not be a positive or happy memory but instead a negative. This section had been developed since we first learnt it, and our choreographer did make the decision to expand on the formations and transitions in the beginning. She had given each student their position, and instructed some to begin the phrase whilst others joined in at different sections of the music.  


This session was very much focused on focus, eyeline and projection of the body.

In this video is a recording of the line phrase that we had rehearsed with Jasmine Andrews. This was very similar to the centre phrase we had learnt earlier in the rehearsal session, however students did consider the dance elements such as canon, layering and formation. 

Rehearsal Period


Thursday 5th May 2016

During the two hour session with Emmeline, we had the first hour of contemporary technique, and the last hour recapping the material we have completed with Lucy and Jasmine. I also discussed with Emmeline, my chosen character and how I could use research on my character's history to create material for a solo phrase. We produced a brainstorm of words that could be used as a stimulus to initiate a short phrase. 


Later in the afternoon session with Lucy, all students worked together to bring our creative work into the fourth section of our piece. Choreography had been previously created by a student (Tilly Geddes), in a trio with two others in the company. This has since developed into a section for our project, and the material consists of creative work that students choreographed. The solo that I had been working on earlier in the session was used as material to be performed as a solo and duet, which then followed into more creative dance with the letter solos taking place.


Strengths: I was confident in my approach to my ideology when conversing with Emmeline about my solo and concept.


Weaknessess: I did not use time wisely whilst Jasmine and Lucy were working with other students to create the opening of this section. I feel that I could have been working in the space to make a start on my letter solo. 


Targets: Ensure that I am proactive through all aspects of the reherasals period to make my work consistent.


Friday 6th May 2016

For the majority of the rehearsal today, we worked on each of our letter solos. Each student was to produce a letter to a loved one, from the war. With this, we were instructed to then create a solo based on the feelings and emotions portrayed in the letter, and how reflection on our lives before being a soldier could aslo be evident through movement. Additional to this, rehearsals of each section took place. We continued to run the piece, to make sure everyone was clear with all the material. Thereafter, we had a company meeting with Jasmine and discussed the sections, including those that we had already choreographed movement for.  It was explained that in the first two sections, we were still 'pedestrians,' gradually preparing ourselves to arrive and fight in the war. From the third section onwards, we would then be 'soldiers' coping with the life of fighting on a daily basis, working independantly and within a team. Despite this, there would be occasional flashbacks and reflection of our lives before the war which would reflect through our movement, making it more fluid and relaxed in comparison to the synchronised, solid movement.


Strengths: The material I created, I feel was true to my character, and I was positive that my body movements very much showed the emotion as I performed. 


Weaknessess: Initially, I did struggle to correct my focus and eyeline when dancing. As well as this, I was not able to consider this and my body movement simultaenously. 


Targets: I was able to respond to feedback from Jasmine in regards to characteristics of  my solo such as focus/eyeline, and making movement bigger in the space. With this feedback I had made the necessary corrections. 


Monday 9th May 2016

This rehearsal, we had finished the third section of our piece, which was us arriving and fighting in the war. Lucy Palmer had choreographed this section,  and she did add canon, layering and various formations towards the ending of the section. This was to be learnt by all students for progression on to other sections in the piece. 


Strengths: I was focused, and was able to listen to instructions from my choreographer.


Weaknessess: I did find it hard to dance to my full ability in the studio space, as there were several of us sharing one space. Sometimes students were slightly overcrowded, which did mean that choreography couldn't be performed efficiently.


Thursday 12th May 2016

The fight section had been rehearsed today, with choreographic input from both Lucy and Jasmine as well as the students' creative work. This section of the piece also included duets with forms of contact work/improvisation. This was a combination of both free flowing movement and regimented movement.


Strengths: I feel that I worked well with my partner, and we both did produce a unique duet that contained a range of kicks, swift arm movement and intense gestures to show the raw emotion whilst battling with one another.


Weaknessess: Due to students being absent, the same process of repition of the movement did become slightly frustrating, which did make me demotivated. This was disruptive to my learning and this slowed down the development process. 


Targets: For future references I shall continue to work independantly when such scenarios should occur to ensure consistency in my work.


Friday 13th May 2016

Lucy Palmer had worked alongside students to choreograph transitions between the first two sections (suitcase opening section, centre phrase section and the line phrase). The vast majority of the material created was contemporary, and previous phrases were used as a stimulus to the transitions. 


Strengths: I was able to comprehend choreography as a fast pace, which did make this rehearsal easier to work through as more work was produced. 


Weaknessess: The movement in the transition did appear to be quite repetitive which I did find monotonous.


Targets: T0 keep persistent through reharsal sessions.


Monday 16th May 2016

This session was spent recapping on the choreography we had so far.


Thursday 19th May 2016

This session was spent recapping on the choreography we had so far. We aslo continued to fill in the transitions and this was completed by the end of the rehearsal session. 


Friday 20th May 2016














This is a video of rehearsal footage, of a completed opening section which includes the first two phrases of choreography, choreogrpahed by Jasmine Andrews.


The pedestrian sections (first two sections) were completed. Students rehearsed this until confident with the structure and timng. 

In the afternoon, dancers worked with Jasmine on gaps and transitions in between each of the sections. These changes mainly occurred in the first three sections of the piece as we 'arrived to camp and, were fighting in war.'  We also continued to work more with costume and props when appropriate. 


Strengths: I was confident with all material so far at this stage of the rheerasal process. 


Targets: Reamin persistent in staying connected with my character whilst danciong, and enuring this was clear to the audience. 



Monday 23rd May 2016

This session was for recapping material.


Thursday 26th May 2016

This session was primarily focused on end section of our piece. The movement in the end section is very free flowing, inspired with aspects of contemporary technique. This is more evident within the traveliling  and floor work phrases. Students worked with Lucy Palmer to complete material to the piece of music, considering specific dance techniques such as canon , and how we could use this iduring a creative process. The phrases within this section was rehearsed several times to ensure that all dancers were clear with the movement, timing and cues, particularly timing, as the counts of the music were in counts of three, and not counts of eight.


Strengths: I felt that I was able to grasp choreography well, and was able to adjust to different counts in the music. Additional to this, I did take a positive approach in adhering to feedback from both students and choreographers, and applied the feedback to my work.


Weaknessess: A weakness that was apparent during this session was that I did become less motivated the  more we had rehearsed a particular phrase or secction. This did affect the enthusiams and energy of the piece, and I do feel that I was not performing to the best  of my ability. 


Targets: One target to keep in mind for future rehearsal sessions would be to keep motivated through all aspects of rehearsls, and use sessions such as these wisely for corrections and personal development.


Friday 27th May 2016

Today, all students and both choreographers worked together to finalise sections and finish all the material. For the majority of the day we worked towards completing the fight section and ending section. The fight section consisted of a group phrase, performed together in a group, very much similar to when we danced together in 'war.' We then disperse into pairs, (duets), whereby we perform with our partners in a 'battle' against one another. This is performed for a few counts of eight, and thereafter, my partner (Simran Timbadia) and I then end the section with myself killing simran. 


Strengths: Simran and I were proactive in our approach to producing a realisitic scene of battle and death, through continuous movement. 


Weaknessess: Spacial awareness was a challenege to keep in mind whilst moving through space. This did have a slight effect on the accuracy of our formation.


Targets: Continously keep in mind key details such as this for future situations.


Monday 30th June 2016

Due to this day being a Bank Holiday, students did not attend college. 


Thursday 2nd June 2016

This rehearsal session consisted of a full run through of the piece from the beginning to end. Students were able to gain access to the college theatre, which was good practice in terms of cues, psoitioning and projection. We had worked with Lucy and Jasmine, to clean all sections of the piece, particularly the third section which students appaeared to struggle with timing issues. 


During the morning, students that attended class were given independant rehearsing to practice and clean any material that they were unclear of. 


Strengths: I was able to demonstrate a clear understanding of performance skills and techniques, showed this through projection of my body and being able to embody all of the choreography on stage. 


Weaknesses: There were moments during the run of the piece when I did forget some of the movement. This did have an effect on cues for other students and timing issues also. 


Targets: An appropriate target that I feel is necessary for future situations such as  this, would be to have a more positive approach in a creative and developing process. I should look to be more open minded with changing choreography and aim to rehearse so that I am confident whilst performing. 


Friday 3rd June 2016

As our rehearsal process was coming to end, students again did a full run of the piece, and continued to clean sections. The section focused on in this rehearsal, was the end section. The majority of this section was clean, however there were occasional timing issues as some parts were to be performed in canon and students were missing from rehearsals. 


Strength: I was able to recognise errors in the movement, and was quick in correcting personal mistakes. 


Weakness: I did find it hard to work wirthin a team with students not being present during reherasal. 


Target: Check that I as a perfomer am dancing to the best of my abiity in any circumstance. 


Show Week


Monday 6th June 2016

A two hour reharsal took place whereby we continued to rehearse and clean sections, ensuring everything was up to performance standard and that students were confident with all the material. 


Tuesday 7th June 2016

At 11:30am students that were peforming in the Lovestoned piece (with choreography from Jasmine Andrews) attended a technical rehearsal. Lighting was simailar to last terms performance as students had also performed the same piece then. We had a few runs of the piece, making sure that formations, positions and timing were clear and concise throughout. 


At 2pm, all Level 3 second year students attended the technical rehearsal for the final major project piece. To start with, students only marked positions so Lucy and Jasmine were able to communicate with our lighting technician to choose appropriate lighting for the piece. 


Wednesday 8th June 2016

The open dress rehearsal commenced at 2:30pm. This was followed in the running order, with Lovestond piece fourth in the first half, and Together we stand, divided we fall, in the second half after the interval. Students werre given the opportunity to rehearse through sections of the piece before the dress run.


Thursday 9th June 2016

Students were to attend college at 5pm. This enabled us enough time to rehearse if necessary, and to prepare for the 7pm show.



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