Choreographic Journal- Lovestoned (Jasmine Andrews)
Week 1- Friday 8th January 2016
This was the first week being introduced to the music and the first section of choreography by our teacher (Jasmine). We had been taught the first part of the breakdown, and had practised this for the majority of the session. We focused primarily on musicality and timing. In addition to this, focusing on how moves should look and how the placement of specific body parts should be placed when performing.
Week 2- Friday 15th January 2016
This rehearsal session, Jasmine had taught the second half of the breakdown which had brought us to the beginning of the chorus in the song. Again, we had drilled this, to become familiar with the timing, musicality, and now combining both sections of the breakdown together.
Week 3- Friday 22nd January 2016
This session some of the students had begun to learn a contemporary section, prior to the breakdown. Students within the contemporary section had to travel across the space to get to their positions for the next part (this was dependant on which sections they were in). Students that were not in the breakdown, would transition to come off stage.
Week 4- Friday 29th January 2016
The contemporary section, breakdown and intro to the piece were all rehearsed in more depth in this session. Our choreographer had decided to clean and drill the material that we had learnt already, and all students had the opportunity to ask any questions in regards to the piece.
Week 5- Friday 5th February 2016
All of the choreography was finished at this stage. Transitions betwen the intro, breakdown, contemporary sections and chorus were clear. We had 2:30-3 minutes of the piece so far. For the remaining time of the rehearsal
Week 6- Thursday 25th February 2016
Jasmine had introduced us to more choreography (the chorus) and students were set a creative task in small groups. We had to create a short phrase (two counts of 8) of contact work, using any chosen style of dance. We had practised this for approximately 5-10 minutes and then had a sharing of the work. As a class, we had put all of the work together to create a longer phrase.
Week 7- Thursday 3rd March 2016
This session, we worked on the section with the two trios, following on from the previous session. We continued to learn new material and had learnt the newformations/positioning for the phrase after chorus.
Week 8- Thursday 10th March 2016
This was the last rehearsal students had before the technical and dress rehearsal and the show. We had used this time to recap any sections of the piece that were unclear, timing and running the piece over, to ensure that movement was clear, accurate and being performed correctly and to a high standard.
Week 9 (Show week/Day)- Wednesday 16th March 2016
At 11am, Jasmine had held her technical rehearsal for the Lovestoned piece. The duration of this was approximately 1 hour, and during this time Jasmine had been working with the lighting technician to choose appropriate lights for the piece. Students had firstly been instructed to work through formations and positions of the various sections in the piece.Thereafter, we did a few runs of the piece with the lighting. This was our last rheearsal with Jasmine, before the dress rehearsal.