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Contemporary Technique with Lucy Palmer
Within the first two terms, our class studied Graham Technique. Lucy first introduced the class to become familiar with and comprehend the concept of contraction and release of the body. With this in mind, we practised floor exercises which incorporated movement within the pelvic region, mostly the pelvic floor muscles. Within Lucy's demonstrations, she had explained that the movement occuring in the pelvic area, had a relation to the downward curve in the spine.
To then develop this, we had incorporated 'release' into our movement which typically followed contraction. These exercises were a combniation of centre work as well as floor work. Still keeping in mind the contraction and release method, we had worked on exercises that were to be assessed in Novemeber. The movement was foucsed on using some of our body parts in opposition to others with the continuation of using contraction and release. Other aspects of the assessment were to include foot work excercises, whereby we studied the technique in using the ball of our feet to perform the correct way to point, and additional to this was the correct turn out in our legs and kicks, and how they were to be done. We also looked at the placement our torso, body alignment, arms and head and how the connection of this was vital to perform Graham technique concisely and properly.
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