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Final Evaluation- Together We Stand, United We Fall

Our final Major Project I feel was a successsful performance. All students worked alongside each other, to produce a piece of dance to reenact one of the most historical periods of time. Both the technical and dress rehearsal went well, as all students attended and put the required time and effort needed.


From my persepctive, possessing the ability to perform with confidence was a strength I feel was shown throughout the rehearsal period and performnace. I demonstrated continuous dedication to my character, before, during and after the war, and this did add a sense of realism to the theme and concept of the piece. Additional to this, I ensured that I attended all of the necessary rehearsls prior to the show, and was punctual.


Throughtout the development process, I familiarised myself with the importance of consistency in my dancing, and responding to tasks set and feedback from both Lucy and Jasmine. This particularly reflected through my own creative work, particularly for the material in my solo piece. Both teachers instructed me to explore how my focus/eyeline could add a different texture to my dancing and how this could enable my body to appear more expressive within the space. both standing and travelling. 


Another aspect of the development process that was a highlight was learning how to incorporate dance with props. To begin with, I did initially find this challenging when learning choroegraphy for the opening sections (suitcase/pedestrian sections), in terms of becoming used to the weight/size off the suitcase and dancing with this in and through the space. Over time, this did become easier, however I did stay strict with myself to practice choreography with props, both inside and outside of the rehearsal timetable.


As a choreographer, I was exposed to several different aspects and skills to dance, that I was unfamiliar of. For example, dancing to a piece of music with an unfamiliar time count (not the usual counts of eight, but counts of three also). The end section of piece was choreographed to music that followed a pattern of counts of three, which did prove to be difficult to comprehend in the intial stages of the rehearsal period. Again over time this was corrected with rehearsls and both self training and assistance. from my lecturer Lucy Palmer.


An challenging aspect of the rehearsal period that I did experience, was not being able to dance to my full capability as other students were absent. This did prove to result in a fatiguing, monotonous rehersal period as material was having to be repeated every rehersal session. This did slow down the process of moving forwards in the piece, and developing the movement that had been already choreographed for each section. 


Overall, the whole experience of moving through a developing process, and working with others within a professional environment, delievered both a difficult, and influential time through my developing stages as a dance artist. I thoroughly enjoyed partaking in a dance piece such as this, with such a meaningful concept, highlighting a sense of dominance, power and mixed emotion. This has enabled me to gain knowledge in not just dancing for the sake of dance, but also dance theatre and how this can produce emotive dance.





Final Evaluation- Lovestoned

As this piece was produced and choreographed last term, students did not have a solid rehearsal session, but instead our choreographer Jasmine, had fit in one hour to rehearse after rehearsals for our Final Major Project. During this time we had to reherse, we had a full run, familiarising ourselves with formations, transistions as well as the material. Additional to this, we were to consider the musicality element which was useful for cues and timing. There were approximately four rehearsal sessions, as well as the technical and dress run. 


The majority of this piece was quite clean, so I did rehearse to ensure that I was clear on all choreography. Despite this, I did come to a decision to alter some movement so that it looked more appealing chorographically, to the audience. I did converse with those who this may have effected, and we did work together as a team to create new material in the trio. I also had to continuously rehearse the very end sections to make the necessary corrections of the timing of the movement, with my partner (Isabel Masters).  


The main sections I had worked on during rehearsal sessions, was the contempoorary travelling section, the chorus, and trio section. I put this as my priority, as the material was slightly more complex, in terms of counts and musicality, and being able to understand and hear how the instrumentals influenced the movement, and how this was aesthetically pleasing for the audience. 


Overall the rehersal process for this piece was productive, all dancers were committed and were present for every rehearsal. The energy required for a dance such as this was evident from all dancers throughout the performance.


How did my targets aid in the development of my work?

My daily targets enabled me to recognise areas for improvement in all aspects of development including performance skills, projection, and adapting to a changing and developing process. I believe that this helped me to better my skills in choreographing and dancing over time which allowed a significant gain in confidence. Additional to this, I was also able to notice a difference in my motivation towards my final major project. My targets helped in the awareness of my role as a props director, and how the suitcases or letters could enhance the quality of our piece, and the importance of these throughout the movement.




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