Indifference- 'Lack of interest, concern or sympathy'
My chosen theme for my choreography, is called Indifference. I focused on the aspect of society and how individuals may find it hard to 'fit in,' to what may be acceptable in modern day society. Some of the key issues I researched were;
Looking deeper into this topic that is popular amongst out population, I researched how somebody of a different sexuality predominantly Homosexuality, Bisexuality and Transexuality. These in particular form conflict amomgst society as they are to be consdiered different and even unnaceptable in some circumstances.
Illnesses e.g. Bipolar/Depression etc:
Disabilities are not foreign to the public, however someone with a disability may be looked upon as 'different' because they may not possess features of "normal features."
Inequality amongst people of different religions has been a recurring issue for many years. The conflict or beliefs/opinions amongst society have caused a sense of one group of individuals religion to be seen as unacceptable or 'indifferent' to another.