Choroegraphic Journal
Week 1: 10th September 2015
During this week, our lecturer, Lucy Palmer, had briefly introduced our task for our process of creating a 2-4 minute piece using a motif.
As a warm up task, Lucy had instructed a class member (Sam Parry) to create movement without using a stimulus e.g. music.
In response to this instruction, Sam had used basic movement for example walking and changing directions with his body. The rest of the class had to be critical and detailed in writing what we saw, so explaining what was happening and describing the movement.
Week 2: 17th September 2015
This week, we had began the process of creating our pieces of choreography. During this session, I started the process of thinking of potential concepts/motifs/stimulus' to base my piece around. I had completed the majority of my research during my I-Learn sessions and took notes of how I could be unique with my choice of concept and meaning behind it. I also began to choreograph my piece, considering dance techniques and technical apsects.
Week 3: 24th September 2015
This session was focused on creating phrases to incorporate within my piece. I was struggling with finding a definite concept, so this did effect how I developed through the choreographing process. I particularly had found it challenging to produce movement, not using music to use as my stimulus.
Week 4: 1st October 2015
Today I taught my choreography to my dancers. I had firstly taught the first two phrases in smaller sections, to ensure that my dancers were confident with the movement. I also reherased timing, positioning and the overall formation of the piece. I discussed specific cues, in terms of lighting and music so that it was clear when each dancer should enter and exit the space. For the rest of the creative session we continued to rehearse the phrases, including each of the solos which were to open the piece.
Week 5: 8th October 2015
This creative session we again rehearsed all of the prhases in the piece. At this stage of the process all performers were confiden in performing, and knowing the material. At this point, I reintroduced the concept of the piece (indifference) and how I wanted the movement to reflect this, particularly within the solos at the beginning. With this in mind, I had watched each of the solos that each of the dancers composed. I gave each of them constructive feedback in ways their solo pieces could be more definite in demonstrating the power of the 'indifference,' to the audience.
Week 6: 15th October 2015
Today is performance day. Lucy has given us some extra rehearsal time in the studio to go through last minute formations and to clean our pieces. During this time, I went through my dance form beginning to end, and continued to repeat for 10-15 minutes. Thereafter, i had so me extra rehersal time on the theatre stage. As the role of the choreographer, I decided that this was appropriate, as the dancers were able to perform on a more accurate scale.