Final Evaluation- Flying and Falling
What went well?
Overall, I do feel that rehearsals and both performances were successful. All students were able to work together as a dance company to work professionally, and be creative within the space with our choreographer.
In addition to this, I remained focused and cosistent to all aspects of this project, and was aware of development within myself and the movement I was performing and how this had improved significantly over the period of six weeks.
What were my strengths?
Throughout this process, I feel that I had portrayed a great sense of enthusiasm and commitment to both classes and the movement. For the duration of the rehearsal period, I was able to use my initiative in several scenarios when rehearsing, choreographing and performing, and was proactive outside of reharsals, and had used this time to practise during my own time.
What were my weaknesses?
During this rehearsal period, I had struggled to fully embody some movement, and this was evident in the 'flying' sections of the piece. I feel that this did take some time for me to fully comprehend during the rehearsal process, however as a dancer, I ensured that I was able to take myself out of my comfort zone to push and develop myself in a style of contemporary that I was unfamiliar with. Additionally, I did find it challenging to work within a confined space with the other dancers, as there were a large number of us during rehearsals.
What could I improve upon?
Some aspects that could be improved upon for next time are;
To remain consistent and positive when finding it hard to comprehend the concept of unfamiliar movement and how to manipulate specific body parts when performing.
To adapt to different working spaces and knowing how to keep positioning and spacing accurate during rehersals and performing onstage.
Keeping eye line/focus clear and meaningful during performances
How did this process develop me as a performer/dancer?
This process developed me as perfomer, as I have been expanding my knowledge with several aspects such as teaching, choreographing and performing as a team, as well as individually. Additional to this, I have been able to develop my technique in a different style of dance through rehearsals, which has enabled me to expand my knowledge, train my body to work harder to adapt to a different form of contemporary technique.