Self Reflection- Falling and Flying (Emmeline Cresswell)
Week 1- Monday 22nd February 2016
During this week, we were introduced to the concept of our piece which was falling and flying. This session our choreographer (Emmeline) had focused on the aspect of falling. Movements such as this included falling to the floor, and falling in and out of the floor, considering body weight and placement and performing more challenging movements, considering safety precautions before, during and after the move.
All students were taught two travelling phrases, highlighting the concept of falling and flying and how both of these combined can be dynamic, and appealing to the audience. We also studied the creative aspect and how working with one another in duets and small groups could be creative in the space.
During the second half of our session, we were paired up and were instructed to create a short piece of dance, again, looking deeper into the concept and how we could incorporate the theme of the piece within a duet. There was a variety of images to use as a stimulus for this, all of which was in relation to 'falling' or 'flying.' With this in mind, some things that were to be considered were; the proxemics of working with my partner, and aspects of this typically included facial expression and body language to both your partner and the audience.
Thereafter, Emmeline had combined two duets together at a time, to create a small group, with students performing their own duets in the space. The aim of this exercise was to work within a particular space with others, identifying choreogrpahic skills such as layering and cannon and how this could be applied within a piece of choreography.
Friday 26th February 2016
This session, all students had learnt two short phrases, both of which were choreographed by Emmeline. One phrase had been previously taught in a contemporary technique session. Again, we had all practised these routines considering the musicality of the dance, listening for cues/counts and lyrics.
Another task that our teacher had set, was to create a solo phrase using 10 gestures from phrases we had learnt earlier in the session. This was a combination of dance moves from class, as well as our own choreography and movement. We spent aproximately 15 minuts on this exercise before developing this further by adding transitions. We had the choice of adding a slide, drop, turn or spin, and were told to use only two out of the four transitions.
Students then were paired up with a partner, and were to give feedback on each others' material. From this stage onwards, the class had come back together to learn all of the creative choreography produced to form a a phrase.
To end the session, students recapped the two contemporary phrases from the first half of the rehearsal, as well as the creative task of the solos.
Monday 29th February 2016
This rehearsal session I was absent.
Friday 4th March 2016
This rehearsal session, all of the second year students had rehearsed the opening section of the piece. Emmeline had also cleaned this section, and had ensured that all of the movement was being executed to the correct standard. We then had continued on to other sections in the piece, focusing on transitioning from one section to the next. All students had pracstised any sections that they felt needed rehearsing, considering timing, positioning, formations and transitions. In the second half of our rehearsal session, Emmeline had recapped the second song in the piece. This half of the piece was focused more on 'falling,' and how we could fall in and out of the floor safely and correctly. By the ed of this session, all material for the second song was nearly completed. On Monday 7th, both first and second year students were to come together to rehearse the second section of music together.
Monday 7th March 2016
All first year/second year students did a full run of the piece. At this stage of the rehearsal process, the first and second sections of the piece were complete, with just minor counts of eight to choreograph. For the whole day, Emmeline had everybody rehearsing, practising sections and phrases that were unclear.
Friday 11th March 2016
This reharsal session I was absent.
Monday 14th March 2016
During this rehearsal, we had relocated to the theatre to practise, to become familiar with the stage space, as well as working on projection, eyeline/focus, and working in a different space with each other. We continued this until midday, and in the afternoon we had returned to the studio and had worked on the piece, until it was up to performance standard, again focusing on technique skills throughout.
Wednesday 16th March 2016
Our technical rehearsal with Emmeline commenced at 11am and laste for approimately two hours. During this time, we had first changed into perfomance costumes, and had one full run of the piece without any lighting. Thereafter, students marked through formations and positions on stage as Emmeline had worked with our ligting technician. Once this part of the tech was completed, we had another few runs of the piece. This was our last rehearsal session before our dress rehearsal.