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Choreographic Journal- Urban Piece
Week 1- (week commencing 16th Novemeber 2015)
This week had consisted of our class discussing with our choreographer (Erduan Xhaferi), of what was intended to be within the piece. Ed had begun to place us in formations. This dance had and opening section, which included a solo performance by Level 3 student Sam Parry. The other students were put into positions, in smaller groups of 4-5 people. As Sam was opening the piece, he had to freestyle across the space to each group, where he would begin a short routine with each group. The style of dance in the opening section was mainly Breakin' and Poppin'.
Thereafter, the students were to change formation and perform a house routine, which we had learnt in a previous technique class.
Week 2- (week commencing 23rd November 2015)
During the two hours of this week, we had recapped everything from the previous rehearsal session. We continued to practice the routines we were already taught, and progressed further on to the house routine. Following this, we continued to practice transitions to work towards the end of the piece.
Week 3- (week commencing 30th November 2015)
Unfortunately, this week our piece for the show was altered due to absence of students. Our choregrapher had decided that it was best to cut some sections out of this piece, so it was now condensed to just two house routines. The rest of the time that we had rehearsing, we continued to drill the routine over, and Ed had ensured that all dancers were clear on formations, positions, transitions and the material.
Week 4- (week commencing 7th Decemeber 2015)
During this week, the Level 3 students that were in Ed's house routine/piece only had one reheasral with Ed, which was the technical reherasal on Tuesday (8th December), in the morning. Once Ed had finished the lighting for the piece, we did one full rehearsal of the piece with lighting and music.
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