Final Evaluation- Indifference
What went well?
There were several aspects of this process that I felt were successsful. My choice of dancers that were performing in my piece adapted and responded positively to my style of dance and way of working. We all worked together to produce and perform material, which reflected the theme/concept of 'indifference,' and how one individual may be different or unique to another. This I feel, was successfully portrayed to the audience, particularly through each of the solos which opened the piece. Additionally, all of the dancers were committed to rehearsal sessions and showed great enthusiasm towards the material they were given.
What were my strengths?
In regards to my approach to choreographing material and leading successful rehearsal sessions, I do feel that I was able to demonstrate a great sense of communication amongst my group, remaining focused within my own rehearsal time as well as with others in the class and was able to produce a clear conecpt/theme, and produce a piece which conveys this clearly to the audience. I also worked proactively alongside my dancers to produce new ideas to develop and better my work.
What were my weaknessess?
A weakness within this creative process for me, was working with a piece of music with no lyrics. I was not familiar with this working style and did find it hard to find a starting point to my work, which did result in a slow start to creating phrases for my piece. Another weakness that I had experienced was teaching others my working style and my method of working. For example, some of my chosen dancers, did struggle to comprehend and perform the movement, and this did make it diffcult for me to teach during some periods of this process.
What could I improve upon?
Some things that I could improve on for future processes similar to this is to perhaps begin planning my ideas as early as possible to allow more time for productive rehearsal time. Also, I do feel that I should take more time to understand each individual's working style, so that I am able to help everyone and their individual needs, as the role of the choreographer.
How did this process develop me as a dancer/performer?
This process has developed me in several ways. I do feel that I have progressed with leadership, and communication skills in particular. Over the 6 weeks I did demonstrate a strong understanding of these skills, and do feel that I applied them to my work. This also enabled me to recognise how particualr skills can help in progression of a creative process, and my approach as a choreographer/performer.