Final Evaluation- Arrival and Departure
What went well?
I believe that the performance went very well. As a dance company, all performers were able to remain professional both onstage and offstage. The performance quality was of a high standard, and factors such as projection whilst dancing and correct technique were also performed to a high standard. All dancers were able to work as a team, to dance and perform in one space.
I also feel that all students were committed to the rehearsal process, by attending classes, and being punctual. This did help in progression in all aspects of rehearsing, and also being practical with our rehearsal sessions.
What were my strengths?
I feel that my strengths were being able to learn and comprehend choreography at a fast pace, and being proactive in asking questions (if I was unsure of anything), and helping other class members with choreography. I felt that these strengths enabled a more beneficial rehearsal period for both myself and my peers.
Another strength that I possessed was being able to work both independantly and as part of a large group. I was able to demonstrate a strong sense of communication to both my choreographer and the class. I showed a great sense of enthusiasm to attend all rehersal sessions and be punctual.
Overall, I possessed a high standard of performance quality which was evident right through to the day of the performance.
What were my weaknesses?
Some of the weaknesses that were apparent during this process were entering the space and learning how to work in a smaller, confined space as a large group. At times I did find it challenging to perform to the best of my ability, as there were many students in one space, and this did alter my level of focus during rehearsals. Another weakness for me, was transitioning from the studio space, to the theatre stage. I did find it difficult to get to my correct position on time in the theatre as I couldnt get to my position correctly before entering the stage.
What could I improve upon?
Some of the aspects that I could improve on for next time are:
Learning how to adapt to different working spaces (bigger or smaller)
Remaining a good level of focus through rehearsals
Learning to be open to all aspects of rehearsals and different styles of dance
How did this process develop me as a dancer/performer?
This rehearsal process has developed me as a dance/performer in many ways such as working quickly and effectiively to achieve a goal. Also i have developed in working within a specific period to understand, interpret and perform material, including styles that I may or may not be trained in which has pushed my confidence levels significantly. All of these skills can be applied to future performances both in education, and within a career in the performing arts industry.